Official WTBTS Dogma:
"The Bible never refers to a servant of God celebrating a birthday. This is not simply an oversight, for it does record two birthday celebrations by those not serving God. However, both of those events are presented in a bad light." (JW.BORG web site)
What the Bible Really Teaches:
Job's sons celebrated the anniversary of their births.
1:4 - "Each of
his sons would hold a banquet at his house on his own set day. They
would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them."
Job 3:1 - "It was after this that Job began to speak and to curse the day of his birth."
Genesis 40:20 - "Now the third day was Pharʹaoh’s birthday,
Jer. 20:14 - "Cursed be the day I was born!"
In all four verses, the same Hebrew word (yowm) is used to indicate the day of birth.
If we imitate the WTBTS's reasoning, female J.W.'s should heed the following:
"The Bible never refers to a servant of God wearing eye make-up. This is not simply an oversight, for it does record two occasions when eye make-up was worn by those not serving God. However, both of those events are presented in a bad light."
(2 Kings 9:30) When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. So she painted her eyes with black paint....
(Ezekiel 23:40) washed yourself and painted your eyes......
on the "faithful slave's" spirit-directed
wisdom, eye make-up
for women is clearly pagan and should be abhorred just like